Thank you for visiting our store! Our eco-friendly, non-toxic and non-flammable water-based stains and topcoats are proudly made in the USA. If you have any questions or for technical support and info about custom colors that are available, email us at We are wishing the best of health and safety to you and yours! Thank you for visiting our store! Our eco-friendly, non-toxic, and non-flammable water-based stains and topcoats are proudly made in the USA. If you have any questions or for technical support and info about custom colors that are available, email us at We are wishing the best of health and safety to you and yours!
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3 Killer Safety Concerns for Renovators and How to Avoid Them

3 Killer Safety Concerns for Renovators and How to Avoid Them

Flipping houses and renovating the interiors of old homes might be the trending thing but have you given much thought to the long-term health concerns? Throwing Shade at those Wall Tear-Down Videos Okay, I’m just gonna say it.

All those videos posted on blogs of renovators tearing down walls with giant sledge hammers or anything else they can find is jacked up! What??

The Importance of Kitchen Colors

The Importance of Kitchen Colors

Kitchen colors can unify the entire aesthetic of a kitchen’s design and structure, bringing some much-needed pop, vibrancy and liveliness to the area. A livelier kitchen can also make for a more engaging cooking and eating area.

Affordable, Fun and Manageable House Projects

Affordable, Fun and Manageable House Projects

Lots of homeowners want to tackle projects around their home, but the three main reasons they never get around to doing anything are the fear of the projects costing too much, not knowing what to do and dreading actually doing the work.